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Overcoming the F.U.D. Factor

Four weeks plus after the first of the year, most people will find their resolutions failing. Any new behavior you aspire to will run into opposition from the FUD Factor or as I like to call him Mr. FUD. The larger the aspiration, the more opposition you can expect to face.

FUD is an acronym for:

  • Fear

  • Uncertainty

  • Doubt

FUD is found everywhere: In politics, the news media, advertising and relationships. But I want to limit this discussion of FUD to your personal aspirations, resolutions or goals. I believe if you can learn to overcome FUD personally, you can begin to apply that skill to other areas.

Let's talk about the most common resolutions you may have made for 2024. In various orders of priority they would be:

  • Save More Money

  • Exercise More

  • Eat Healthier

  • Spend more time with Friends and Family

  • Lose Weight

Now each one of these contains two problems. First there is an intention to make some kind of change to a life status or create an event. Second there is an ambiguity in each of the above 'resolutions'. FUD loves ambiguity and indecisiveness. If I don't specify 'how much money I want to save in a certain timeframe' or 'how much is more', when it comes to exercise or 'what weight do I want to maintain?' then I really don't have to worry about actually achieving anything.

So one way to combat FUD is by being specific. Once you remove the cloud of ambiguity from what you want to achieve your vision becomes clearer. As the vision becomes clearer you begin to see the possibility of achieving the resolution/goal/gamechanger. Soon after that is when the FUD comes a' calling. Let's see how to attack each aspect of FUD.


Fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear is also a survival instinct, one of the strongest. We are programmed on the deepest of levels to fear things that can kill or hurt us. However, most 'modern' fears are not as deadly. View this article on the top ten fears and try to find one that will kill you.

The key to overcoming fear is to examine the narrative you are telling yourself about the object or person invoking the fear response and test it. The fear response is real. Shortness of breath or rapid breathing. Increased heart rate. Perspiration. Feeling of impending doom. Though it is hard, you will need to employ your logical mind in the middle of the fear response and examine the story you are telling yourself.

You need to look for the false evidence and tell yourself it is not real and ask yourself why you are acting this way. A good question to ask yourself in the middle of a fear response and invoke your logic center is "What is the worst thing that can happen?" If the answer does not include physical harm or death, the narrative is probably false.

Here is another list of what people fear. Try to find the ones that are within your domain of control and ask the question "What can I do about this fear?" If the answer is nothing, then laugh at it. If you can do something about the fear, then decide to do it. There is power in decision.

Personally, I have found this quote very helpful. It is from the book Dune by Frank Herbert.


Understand that you will never have all the facts at your disposal when making a decision. However, you can get most of the facts through reading and research on how others have achieved similar results. In the context of resolutions/goals/gamechangers uncertainty can be conquered by acquiring knowledge on the subject. But the best way to learn is to do. Once you can conquer (or at least tolerate) the fear of failure (see above) you will start to gain insight and knowledge and overcome uncertainty.

Also, the fact that something is uncertain applies that it is uncertain to YOU. Another way to peel back the clouds of uncertainty is to join groups of like-minded people who are further down the road on knowledge than you are. Whether in person or virtual these days finding groups is an internet search away. Although that can trigger a whole host of 'fears' regarding meeting new people, sharing interests or appearing foolish. Notice how fear and uncertainty can reinforce each other in preventing achievement.


Doubt is uncertainty's little brother. It is like a nest of termites gnawing away at the structure of a house. The damage is initially hidden but will collapse whatever you are trying to build of your life. Doubt is personal because it is a reflection of how you feel about your ability to achieve. Once again it's a case of the 'feels'.

Doubt that you can lose weight? Has anyone in the history of the universe lost weight? The answer is obviously yes, so it can be done. How about saving more money? Same question. Answer: Yes so it can be done.

In addition, ask yourself the question whether you have ever achieved something in the past like what you are trying to achieve in the present. If the answer is YES then there should be little doubt you could achieve it again. If not, then look above about conquering uncertainty.


FUD is an obstacle to achievement. It is an emotional response to something new and possibly unfamiliar. Overcoming FUD is a process of engaging the mind in a series of questions to put FUD in its place. That place is a teeny tiny part of your mind where you can bring it out when you want and laugh at it.

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