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Dear ProgLibSocDemComs,


Prog - Progressives

Lib - Liberals

Soc - Socialists

Dem - Democrats

Coms - Communists

I regret to inform you all that your attempt to consolidate power and influence the 2024 Election has failed. Right about now you are suffering some mental stress that could manifest in some un-American and abnormal behavior that will not help you alleviate that stress or unburden your mental state from all the emotions you are feeling. Behaviors like:

  1. Violence

    • Not a good idea. We are ready this time and we are armed. FAFO

  2. Blaming others

    • when you point the finger at someone you got 3 pointing back at you. Maybe some self-examination is in order

  3. Civil disobedience

    • you have the right to protest, but not the "mostly peaceful protests" of before. The Seattle CHAZ zone and George Floyd riots come to mind. See point #1

  4. Speaking lies or group think talking points

    • Just think! What you are saying and think for yourself

  5. Calling on allied organizations to punish those that are to blame it's called conspiracy. If it's against the government, it's sedition or insurrection. Also see point #1

  6. Self Harm

  7. Whether its physical, mental or relational is not a good idea. Why? Because you are the only you on the planet. Why would you want to cause that person harm?

Look, losing sucks I know. I have suffered under democrat presidents. But it is not the end of the world. Politics (the parties, the policies the leaders) were never supposed to have such a controlling interest in peoples' lives. At best it is a tolerable evil where the side that gets elected gets to promote its ideas, with the opposition party stopping or negotiating on the matter.

There is supposed to be tension between the parties, ON POLICY not PERSONALITY. In trying to figure out the underlying reason for such mental distress and emotions, I come to believe it is not about the POLICY you have lost influence to promote, but it's about POWER. The ability to project your policy view on 'we the people'.

Have you noticed that there is a group of people that want to be in control of every aspect of your life, usually against your own preferences. This control manifests as policies or laws that have no basis in reality. Sometimes they are based on the "thots and feels" of the people in control. Here are some examples:

  • Tax Policy (how much money you get to keep)

    • Seems like there is always a conspiracy to take more of the money you generate through your work or business.

    • Thought: what difference does is make how much the government collects if they are always spending more than they collect?

  • Abortion Policy (killing infants in-vitro)

    • Supposedly the sole issue of the last election. However, abortion has been sent back to the states as a local issue since the repeal of Roe V. Wade.

    • It is still legal, just under different restrictions depending upon the state you reside

  • Freedom of Expression (aka the 1st Amendment)

    • If you don't like what somebody is saying, walk away, turn it off or refuse to associate with that person. You can disagree with the expression, but you are not allowed to silence, demonetize or ban it. Especially on protected (Section 230) social media platforms

    • By the way:

      • Hate speech is free expression

        • Wouldn't you want to know who the haters are?

      • Disinformation is free expression

        • the government does it all the time

      • Misinformation is free expression

        • everybody has the right to be wrong

      • Mal information is free expression

        • how do we know the bad ideas unless they are challenged?

  • Health / Medical / Pharmaceutical Policy

    • Can anybody say COVID-19? I will just leave that there.

    • In the greatest country in the world, why are so many Americans unhealthy? Dr. Casey Means asked that question and was told to shut up. She and her twin brother set out to find the answer.

    • Do Pharmaceutical companies really want people to get well, or do they just want the cashflow from their drugs that treat chronic illness?

  • Sex / Gender / Trans policy

    • Ever notice that when certain people are in power new policies manifest that oppose previous norms like family, children and relationships.

    • A lot of these policies disregard hundreds of years of societal norms that have mostly worked. Nothing is perfect.

    • Total disregard of science to support a new narrative. We have gotten to a point where we can't agree on what a male or female is, even though we have known since like, forever.

  • Immigration & Border Policy

    • Who thought that allowing millions of foreign nationals into the country, providing them with phones, housing and debit cards was a good idea? Not anyone living near the border or are the recipient of hundreds or thousands of foreigners into their communities.

In conclusion, all the anguish we are seeing on social media is a manufactured hissy fit of pampered, immature adult children who didn't get their way. If you know anyone like this, try to act with some compassion because their entire world view has collapsed. They will need love and support to get through this mental health crisis.

Fortunately, I don't know anyone like this. I choose to laugh at them. In closing here is a favorite link of epic election meltdowns.


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