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The Hell(s) We Create

In the research for previous blogposts, ideas for future blogs kept popping up. Here is one of them.

No matter how you define it, HELL is not an optimum situation or destination. It is supposed to be the place where your human spirit goes if you are rejected by the Creator. I am going to put forth the idea that Hell is what you create for yourself right here and now when you reject the Universal Laws of Existence.

I am trying to make this post as generic as possible. In the process I am bound to lose some readers, but I think it is important not to limit the frame of reference to a Judeo-Christian viewpoint. All world views have at their core a set of principals declaring some behavior to be "right" and other behavior to be "wrong."

It can be the rules of the Kindergarten class or the loftiest Cathedral. How we treat ourselves as well has how we treat others revolve around similar principals:

  1. Don't physically hurt other people or yourself

  2. Don't take other people's stuff unless you have asked permission first.

  3. Give them back their stuff in the same condition you first got it.

  4. Don't Lie to others OR yourself

  5. Treat others the way you want to be treated aka "The Golden Rule."

Here is my working definition of Hell

  • A situation you can't get out of easily, that you got into with a series of bad or questionable decisions or choices.

My mental picture of somebody in hell is somebody that painted themselves in a corner. They have limited choices and little power to change their current circumstances. They have to wait for the paint to dry before they can actually move.

There was a quote I heard from Dr. Laura Schlessinger when I was a young adult that goes like this:

"You can't talk your way out of situations you have behaved yourself into."

Bam! Did that one hit me right between the eyes. It's a play on words for the saying "Your actions speak louder than your words." As if the situation we have behaved ourselves into isn't bad enough, all the justifications and rationalizations we layer on top of the original situation are reminiscent of that song by Pink Floyd:

"All in all it's just another brick in the wall."

So, Hell is rather easy to create on a personal level with some questionable decisions, a heaping of lies, anger and self-righteousness along with several doses of rationalizations. Let us look at a simple example. Take a routine doctor or dentist visit.

  • You are overdue for a checkup, but it's ok -- you will get to it later, maybe

  • Eventually you start feeling crappy. Minor toothache, indigestion whatever the symptom, you aren't feeling that great. Rationalizations or denials start creeping in "Oh I'll get better." But you don't. You are stuck.

  • Eventually the pain gets so great you make the appointment to "take your medicine" and hopefully you get seen right away. But maybe not.

  • Either way a $100 checkup has now turned into a $1000 procedure (relatively speaking 10X more expensive not counting the pain.)

You eventually get out of the HELL you created but not without elevated discomfort and cost.

Og Mandino said it more eloquently (and longer) than I. The end result is a prison of our own creation.

There is a situation in the political sphere that illustrates this. Whether it is a political party or corporate business or an individual when you make poor decisions trying to avoid an unpleasant outcome, you generally wind up in an ever-worsening condition. This is sometimes called "The Doom Loop."

Case in point -- the Democrat Party, the current President, the candidate for President (the current Vice-President), the corporate mainstream media, and your average Democrat Voter.

For the past few years (some would say more) President Biden appeared to be missing a few steps. Slurring words. Forgetting people's names in speeches. Inability to complete sentences --"We hold these truths to be self-evident.... that... you know the thing!" Having a minimal schedule. Tripping up and down airplane stairs.

All of these issues and more, pointed to an obvious mental and physical decline. But oh how the administration and the media went into cover up mode. Our eyes told us a story of a declining Chief Executive. The media told us "He is fit as a fiddle." "He has the energy of two men!" "He is sharp as a tack and engaged." The administration and the media had to change the narrative of a failing President." Democrat voters were still on board, though a small percentage began having some doubts.

All doubt was removed with the first Presidential Debate. While that would have been a perfect "moment of truth" opportunity to address the HELL all parties created for themselves, obviously they had not suffered enough. No, the bad decisions continued to mount as everyone involved just dug themselves deeper and deeper. I wonder if that is why the physical location of HELL is often considered underground or in the underworld.

The story that played out over the next few weeks was not about whether Joe should go, but how? With the Presidential Election clock ticking down their options were limited and all bad. For example:

  • We now have an absentee President (in name only) who will not be running for election and who may or may not be in cognitive decline.

  • We have a Vice-President running for a promotion to President who has not earned a single primary vote and is considered unpopular and not capable of the job.

  • We have a corporate media that maintained the charade that Biden was fine. When they got busted after the debate they claimed they were shocked they were lied to. Within 24 hours they pivoted to news stories about the new candidate and how wonderful she was.

  • We have democrat voters put into a situation where they are forced to accept a candidate that NEVER received a single primary vote.

  • We have a political party stuck with a candidate that polls worse than the President and are forced to choose because:

    • there is not enough time for a primary for new candidates (and do they want to replace a female person of color?)

    • campaign funds currently collected can only be used for Biden OR Harris.

  • Lastly the candidate herself seems unable to connect with the electorate. After a Two week media "Honeymoon" she appears unable to answer the simplest questions on policy, preferences and what she would do differently than her predecessor ("I can't think of anything that comes to mind.")

Great! That leaves us with another 4 years of inflation, war, stalling economy and division. Talk about a living Hell!


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