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I have at least 7 ideas for posts that have been floating around my cerebrum for the last few months. However, events like school, family, house guests and travel have interfered with my ability to get these floaters out of my brain and onto the pages of this blog.

I don't have many readers if my web counters are accurate. But I am not writing for YOU per se dear reader, I am writing for ME! As the mast head says these are "Letters to myself when no one is listening."

Having ideas is worthless if they only stay ideas. Taking the time to develop those ideas into stories, plans, physical objects or just tests of the possible is the key. It is not so much the finished product but the journey of bringing an idea into reality. That is where the magic happens. It is transformative.

This begs the question "Where do ideas come from?" I am sure I am not the only person in the cosmos that has thoughts, ideas or even delusions. But we humans are processors and pattern recognizers. We receive input from our 5 senses, run them through a series of filters (emotional, rational, experiential). Then a decision is made to ignore, store or act on that input. Sometimes consciously, most times unconsciously.

Anyway, here is a list of upcoming blogs posts that need to be processed more thoroughly:

  • Every needs a Porpoise (purpose)

    • Techniques for finding yours

  • Are You Ready for 2084??

    • A take of a modern retelling of 1984 by George Orwell

  • Sheep, Sheep Dog or Wolf?

    • musings on the Second Amendment and the personality types associated with it

  • Oscar Mike - On Mission

    • Having a mission mindset about your life

  • Thots and Feels

    • not sure what this one will be about

  • How to Determine if the News you Consume is Fake

    • my largest and most difficult blog to write so far

  • Screw the Meritocracy!

    • comments on the human tendency to destroy that which is useful.

If you like what you see subscribe and share. Or not. I am not writing for you.


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