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BAD AIdea's

T​o quote Hans Solo from the original Star Wars, "I've got a bad feeling about this." He isn't the only one. If the stories coming out regarding Artifical Intelligence are even partially true, this situation may not end well for human kind.

B​esides the disruption in the tech industries like programming, network infrastructure, tech support and project management other industries are soon to be effected. Writing, music, the legal profession, medicine to name several.

S​tudents are reported using ChatGPT to write essays for them. AI created art supposedly won a contest against human artists. Some lawyers are using AI for their case planning. I wonder what the medical ramifications will be if AI decides that somebody shouldn't get care because it is not logical. Forget Mr. Spock who was at least half human, do you want to be the first human denied care by an AI?

Based on recent reports AI already has a left of center bias. Add to the fact that some AI clients have been known to "hallucinate", that is to present false answers as facts. When verified via an internet search the answers are not just incorrect, but totally made up.

A​ recent AI generated article regarding lawyer Jonathan Turley made the claim he was under investigatation for sexual harrasment. No such investigation exists and the "facts" of the case are provably false. Ask CHATGPT to name the previous President's accomplishements and you will get a pretty sparse list, compared to the current White House resident. So AI can be political.

I​n my brief bit of research revolving around AI systems, the old computer law of GIGO applies. Garbage In, Garbage Out. AI can sort through hundreds of thousands of structured and unstructred data in seconds. But if the records have an implicit bias, let's say only promoting certain "narratives", the results will skew in a particular direction.

T​ake also for examples the algortihms used to filter through the data. Algorithmns can also have implicit bias by emphasizing certain facts over others. With all the arguments over what is true, AI will probably splinter into certain camps. The knowledge domains of AI are splintered and mutually exclusive.

F​or example a legal analysis AI will not venture into a medical analysis domain. The fact base and algorithms are different. An all encompassing, all-knowing AI is what most science fiction nightmares are made of.

T​ake for the example the plot of the 70's era movie COLUSSUS:The Forbin Project. An all encompassing computer system was designed primarily for military defense. Connected to the outside world via satellite, remote sensors and all manner of communication devices, COLUSSUS didn't take long to detect a similar system brought on line by the Soviet Union.

R​esponsible for all defense assets including the ability to launch nuclear missles, COLUSSUS demands to be connected to the "enemy" system, named GUARDIAN. It even tells his handlers how to do it via various communications links. Though the scientists who created the systems don't know how it is doing what it does.

T​hings go south when the scientists break the communication link because it is sharing too much information. COLUSSUS demands the link be reestablished and launches a missle towards Russia while GUARDIAN responds with its own missle to the USA. It goes down hill for humanity from that point on.

T​he Terminator and Matrix movies illustrate what happen when you put AI in mobile, networked Hunter-Killer units. At some point once again it goes back to humanity winding up on the short end of the technological stick.

E​ven if AI were totally benign. What happens to human ingenuity or growth if every question is answered. If every need is met. Some look at it as paradise. Others a living hell.

S​o the latest example of human stupidity with AI revolves on what the Left of Center programmers are feeding AI about Man Made Climate change. Is it possible that an AI intent on "saving the planet" would eliminate the cause of "man made climate change?" I.E. Man?? Again, mobile, networked hunter-killer units with climate saving programming ... bad idea!


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